Friday, July 12, 2024

July 2024 and the focus is still Trump/Biden

 I look at the previous post(s) long ago...and yet here we still are, maybe worse?

Heading in to the next Presidential election with Biden (incumbent) Democrat and Trump for Republican. BUT....the Democrats are in disarray after Biden's bad showing in the early televised debate. Biden is determined to go the distance, but he is old and losing it and it is widely feared he is not electable. If so, that would make Trump President again - despite his 34 convictions, and innumerable cases waiting to be heard. BUT the (picked and loaded by and for Trump) Supreme Court just chose to make the President invincible and untouchable for any crimes. OMG! It will be a dictatorship with a sociopath in place. (He shouldn't even be allowed on the ballot much less have such a good chance of winning...and if he doesn't win, what will he do then [see Jan. 6 insurrection of last time].

Very sad about the state of the world today. (Oh, Ukraine! Oh, Israel!)