Friday, July 12, 2024

July 2024 and the focus is still Trump/Biden

 I look at the previous post(s) long ago...and yet here we still are, maybe worse?

Heading in to the next Presidential election with Biden (incumbent) Democrat and Trump for Republican. BUT....the Democrats are in disarray after Biden's bad showing in the early televised debate. Biden is determined to go the distance, but he is old and losing it and it is widely feared he is not electable. If so, that would make Trump President again - despite his 34 convictions, and innumerable cases waiting to be heard. BUT the (picked and loaded by and for Trump) Supreme Court just chose to make the President invincible and untouchable for any crimes. OMG! It will be a dictatorship with a sociopath in place. (He shouldn't even be allowed on the ballot much less have such a good chance of winning...and if he doesn't win, what will he do then [see Jan. 6 insurrection of last time].

Very sad about the state of the world today. (Oh, Ukraine! Oh, Israel!)

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Easing of Pandemic Restrictions

Trump and his followers are still attempting to disrupt democracy. 

President Biden is a return to what government should be like. Vaccinations have been rolling out and the CDC recently advised that masks don't have to be worn by the vaccinated. There appears to be a slowing down of vaccinees, though for a variety of reasons.

Personally, I am finding it difficult to move out of our (home) safe zone, but we have made a few actions....dancing outside at Prospectors and the Fairgrounds. I actually walked into the library today (the pick up window had already closed).

We went to a Burlington County Parks sponsored drive in movie tonight at Smithville Park. We saw Back to the Future. What a classic! It came out in 1985. Marty McFly went back 30 years (to 1955) and now it is more than 30 years since it was made. Wow. (Feel old much?)

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Just say no

Trump is still President and probably will continue on to a full term although impeachment talk still lingers. He is worse than ever and America is falling apart fast. :-(  He talks of buying Greenland, excommunicates reporters, decries all as Fake News, fat shames audience members and derides Democrats in general, presidential candidates specifically, and tells four Congressmwomen to go back where they came from. He has done nothing but lie since day one and still his followers blindly defend him.

Meanwhile, we leave for Florida on Tuesday for nine days and look forward to a Piscataway reunion lunch on the 23rd.

Monday, June 10, 2019

impeachment talk is in the air

...but things are not looking good...poor America  :-(

Meanwhile, Tom and I had a good time in Nashville for yet another CMA Music Fest. The forecast called for an entire week of rainy stormy weather and it was wet at times. but not as bad as predicted.

We are getting quite old and slowing down somewhat.

Our 20th anniversary is coming up. Wow. :-)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Trump is President of the United States....and it's a mess

We are in Myrtle Beach and a lot has changed since my last post in July of 2016.

As noted in the title, Trump is, indeed, in the position of President of the United States and things are looking worse every day. be continued

Friday, July 01, 2016

Talking about elections....

Well, now we are  halfway through 2016 and President Obama is finishing up his second term.
The presumed candidates running to take his place are Hillary Clinton for the Democrats and Donald Trump for the Republicans. (!!!) Now they are saying the horrid NJ Governor Chris Christie is being vetted as a potential Trump VP.

NJ politics has been really horrible these last years. Besides the pension debacle, the transportation fund is empty, plus a slew of  vetoed bills on a large range of issues from gun control to environmental protection.

I am looking forward to seeing Jennifer (and Alex and the boys) when she comes East to visit them before they move back to England :-( at the end of the month.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Still blogging after all these years...

Again, it's two years later and here I am.
Currently Tom and I are in Myrtle Beach. President Obama won re-election and I am so relieved.
We had so much fun at all of the Brewin wedding events- golf, Legends, setting up, the ceremony, the reception, the clean up, the dinner at Rioz.
Yesterday we visitied with Mike and Margie Ferrare at their MB home (!) and we're hoping to see Joanne K. today.
Sue is coming to the East Coast Nov. 16 and we are a stop on her whirlwind trip up the coast.

How ironic that the previous post mentions learning wordpress for the DEA website, and I am currently auditing a class on the same topic! (and have learned a lot more than I knew before!)

Tom is awake and time to let the day begin. (See you in 2014?)