Sunday, August 18, 2019

Just say no

Trump is still President and probably will continue on to a full term although impeachment talk still lingers. He is worse than ever and America is falling apart fast. :-(  He talks of buying Greenland, excommunicates reporters, decries all as Fake News, fat shames audience members and derides Democrats in general, presidential candidates specifically, and tells four Congressmwomen to go back where they came from. He has done nothing but lie since day one and still his followers blindly defend him.

Meanwhile, we leave for Florida on Tuesday for nine days and look forward to a Piscataway reunion lunch on the 23rd.

Monday, June 10, 2019

impeachment talk is in the air

...but things are not looking good...poor America  :-(

Meanwhile, Tom and I had a good time in Nashville for yet another CMA Music Fest. The forecast called for an entire week of rainy stormy weather and it was wet at times. but not as bad as predicted.

We are getting quite old and slowing down somewhat.

Our 20th anniversary is coming up. Wow. :-)